Anti-Doping Education
While the Code makes it mandatory for all Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) to deliver robust education programs, it is also up to athletes and their support personnel to seek information to ensure they are training and competing in line with the values of clean sport and the anti-doping rules.
Anti-Doping Education and Learning platform (ADEL)
To support and complement the efforts of ADOs with a responsibility for education, WADA has created the ADEL. ADEL is a comprehensive learning platform that hosts webinars, online courses, guides, checklists, factsheets and other resources for anti-doping education. If you are a recreational-level, national-level athlete or an international-level athlete, ARUNADO encourages you to visit ADEL to see the available anti-doping education.
Click here to Visit ADEL.
WADA’s Play True Quiz
WADA’s Play True Quiz is an interactive computer game that tests your knowledge about anti-doping. The Quiz is currently available in 49 languages (including Papiamento).
Face-to-Face sessions
Another option to learn about clean sport is by way of a face-to-face anti-doping education session. Organizations or groups can apply for such face-to-face education sessions.
In coordination with the relevant organization (based on the expected audience) ARUNADO will plan a session and decide on the most suitable topics and appropriate content. These sessions are offered to all levels of athletes, Athlete Support Personnel, parents, administrators, officials and other interested persons. For information, please contact ARUNADO.